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I came to Louisiana Tech in 2003 to teach in their M.A. I-O program after spending a wonderful couple of years with friends and colleagues in Mankato, Minnesota. Within a few years of starting the job, I was given the task of completing the department’s state application to establish a Ph.D. program in I-O psychology. One of my vivid memories is of my friend, Dan, telling me to avoid teaching in a doctoral program at all costs. Ignorance protected me from much of the anxiety I should have felt at the time.
During the journey to establishing the I-O Ph.D. program, I decided to accept the challenge of running the department. My primary reason for doing so was seeing the amount of red tape that I could cut to get our program up and running (I signed my name twice on a large number of documents). Everything worked out, and we got approval to start the program. Then, Mother Nature knocked and said, “Fuck you, here’s cancer.” It was a very life-changing event and one that almost got me. I was as surprised as anyone when I pulled through (I went to the SIOP conference that year and looked like death warmed over).
Afterward, I became determined to ease off as much as I could. I found a faculty member to replace me as department head who was willing and well suited for the job. I also got really lucky and hired a couple of great colleagues during that time who worked hard to help get the program up and running. Looking back on all we did and the number of talented folks we’ve had the honor of matriculating, I’m proud of what we were able to accomplish. This success was also in no small part due to the talented students who put in the time and effort to help the program and still do so. From me to you, thanks y’all!
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A collection of articles, presentations or talks, most likely on I-O Psychology.